Friday, November 28, 2014

2014-11-17 Oklahoma City Bound Along Route 66

Despite being sick and snowed in for a few days in Tulsa we have managed to do everything we had planned. We are heading southwest along Route 66 on our way to Oklahoma City.

Along the way we passed Paris. I'm pretty sure it was Paris.

The sun was out, it was brisk, and there was still snow on the ground.

Supulpa had some great wall art.

And THIS beauty...

Karen gets great pictures of these old gas station restores even when I'm bombing down the Road.

Stroud, OK is home to the Rock Cafe, est in 1939, built with rock unearthed during the paving of Route 66.

The proprietor of this cafe, Dawn Welch, was the inspiration for Sally (the Porsche) in the CARS movies.

Davenport was home to some original Portland cement Route 66 roadway. It's only a couple of blocks long but the allure gets Route 66 travelers to come into the city.

I know, pretty exciting huh?

The town also has some great history murals on the walls of their buildings.

As we entered Chandler, OK we spied the Route 66 Interactive Museum. It was closed (we knew that) and we had planned to come back tomorrow.

From there we hit the Toll Road for the rest of the way to our next RV park, Roadrunner RV Park, in Oklahoma City.

1 comment:

  1. Hi to you both,
    We have a little snow on the ground today also. It has lasted all day.
    My cats are not happy with it.

    I am about to get lonesome - Jeff and his friend, Derek, went to Port Angeles yesterday to spend the weekend with another friend. They go practice shooting up there somewhere. Good for him to get away from his ole G'Ma once in awhile. His friends are good people so I am happy with that.
    Since Dick will not be in church tomorrow, I will be lonely there also. Guess I will have to make some new friends, but it is difficult when I don't go anyplace except the store and church. Oh well, when a person gets my age they are happy to stay home. I have spent a lifetime going places and doing things and am satisfied with some time by myself. Jeff keeps after me to get out more.
    Trust you had a good weekend. Love from Aunt Jeanne
