Friday, November 7, 2014

2014-10-31 Cuba in Missouri

After our one night stand in Meramec Caverns Campground we moved out and headed for other sites along Route 66.

We passed the best name for a high school ever.

And we have it on good authority that, yes, it IS labeled correct AND it's full.

I had ribs for lunch at the Missouri Hick Bar-B-Q. There were enough left over for dinner also.

There are iconic places along the Route that take you back to times that are even older than you are. The Wagon Wheel Motel opened in 1936 and was restored in 2010. They used to have garages attached to each of the units. They enclosed the garages to increase the number of rooms to rent. We had a nice chat with the owner who really loves the place.

The motel and restaurant were both located in Cuba, MO. This is a city we immediately liked and we stayed for 3 nights at the Meramec Valley RV Park NE of town.

This city has so much going for it. They call themselves the Mural City, for good reason.

There are 12 of these murals throughout the downtown area. Down the road a "fer piece" is the world's largest rocking chair at 42' tall, 20' wide, and weighing almost 14 tons.

I met the nicest "young" lady here. Dee and I  talked and talked about her city and her museum while Karen explored the 3 floors of Cuba history. She said the murals project has really helped the city's economy.

On the way back into town we stopped at Bob's Gasoline Alley, a collector of old gas station memorabilia. His wife was home, cooking for "a group of 100 that were coming over", so we just looked around and admired his stuff.

They still have a drive-in theater in town also. It was closed for the season and looked in really good shape. This town has so much going for it, we'll be back tomorrow.

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