Friday, November 21, 2014

2014-11-11 Kansas, CARS, and Route 66

13 miles. That's all there is folks. Just 13 miles of Route 66 going through Kansas today.

After crossing the Missouri/Kansas border from the east we enter Galena, the town that inspired the Disney movie CARS. To be honest, there were lots of Galena-like towns along the Route that all helped create Radiator Springs in the movie, but Galena likes to make the claim.

As we turn into town there is this wonderfully restored old gas station on the left side.

In the background you can see RED and Tow Mater and Tow Tater.

Tow Tater was the inspiration for the Tow Mater character in CARS. I'm sure you can see the lineage...

Inside the garage they've remodeled it into a cafe and gift shop.

Karen was ready for her picture with Tow Mater. Dressed with her Route 66 shirt, Mickey/Minnie cars motif scarf, and CARS Mickey ears.

After Will Rogers died they tried to rename the Road after him. It didn't quite catch on.

Further west is the very small town of Riverton. It has one ancient Food Market/Gift Shop/Antique Store on the Road that has been there since 1925. It was formerly know as the Old Riverton Store and the Eisler Bros. Store.

The final town in Kansas is Baxter Springs. Our first stop was the Visitor's Center that had been remodeled from one of the old gas stations that line the Route.

The President of the Kansas Historic Route 66 Association was here talking to the owners and he personally gave us a tour of the place and told us all the places not to miss as we headed West.

"Crazy Legs" Walker is one of the great characters we've met along the road. He has the ability to get one of his feet facing North and the other South. Disney/Pixar Imagineers took note of this and incorporated this quirky ability into the Tow Mater CARS character by making Mater the "world's best backwards driver".

This visitor center is so totally cool because rather than having a Guest Book to sign they have a whole building you can sign. Garage doors, bricks, walls - it's all fair game for your signature.

1/2 hour later Crazy Legs was STILL showing us places to go and people to tell, "Tell them Crazy Legs said hello." He knows everyone along the Route it seems.

We popped into another place called Angels on the Route and talked to Sue. She moved from California to be on the Route. They remodeled this old 1865 storefront into a cafe, meeting room, and ice cream shop. The shop is on the left.

The people we are meeting along the Route have some great stories to tell and they are really making our tour interesting.

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