Sunday, November 9, 2014

2014-11-03 Special Drive Route 66 Waynesville

After a day off yesterday we are on the move again today.

In moving along Route 66 with a 34' 5th wheel we occasionally have to be a little bit creative. The road is narrow and some areas are down right skinny. So, we popped into the Cracker Barrel in St. Robert and asked them if we could dropped off our trailer in their parking lot. Yep, livin' on the wild side.

Off we went to explore a 30 mile stretch of the Route. There is still a stretch of the Road that is four lanes wide.

Hopping off of that roadway onto an older section of the Road brought us to Devil's Elbow, so named because of the sharp bend in the river that the Road followed. They put a narrow bridge over the Big Piney River.

"Why, yes, we do have a 4 story motel"

Driving into Waynesville we found this cute rock painted to look like a frog. Yes, it's very famous.

They were going to demolish this Old Stagecoach Stop and the townspeople decided it might be best to save it and create a museum - and a tourist magnet.

This town is very clean and like a lot of towns along the Route, all of the main businesses are around a central square that houses the County Courthouse.

Route 66 bridge that spans Roubidoux Creek in Waynesville

It is so cool to see old Route gas stations refurbished and reused for modern businesses.

This style of architecture with the grout lines that stand out are called giraffe-rock or slab-rock. It was popular from the 20's to the 40's and there are many of them visible along the Route in this area.

Some old service stations REALLY need some love. They all are not beautifully restored.

This is an example of the "courts" along the Route. You would have an office out front and then a semi-circle of smaller rooms with garages out back. These two were joined together at some point in time. Alas, they won't be serving customers any longer.

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