Thursday, September 25, 2014

2014-09-22 Along the Mississippi River Once Again

We've been in Minneapolis for a whole week and we've had a wonderful time exploring this city and St. Paul, but it is time to be moving further south since Fall arrived yesterday and we must keep ahead of the weather.

As we've always done, we have routed ourselves along the Mississippi River for as long as we can before we need to head East.

Our first overlook of the river comes in Prescott. The Visitor's Center is closed on Mondays but the view is still there!

We quickly travel into Red Wing and without realizing it we are shuttled back to the highway without a place to turn around and so we continued on. Lake City is only a few miles down the road and we found a very nice place next to the marina, overlooking the lake, to have lunch.

Lake Peppin is created by damming up the Mississippi River with Lock and Dam #5. It's claim to fame is the origin of water skiing.

The Great River Road connects a series of river towns from Little Falls, MN to Venice, LA. Wabasha, MN is on the road and is a wonderful place to stop and visit. The town is decorated to the hilt with Halloween things. The Antique Barn had lots of home made items from the area.

Along the streets were vignettes setup for photo ops.

The riverfront had an area setup with carnival-type games and you could play at any time during the day.

It had been 10 years since we were here last and they have really made a lot of improvements to the town. It still looks beautiful and inviting.

Before we knew it we had spent a couple of hours here and when we return will will spend even more time.

Heading further south toward La Crosse we are seeking a Best Buy so that we can buy a new camera. I dropped ours within the 1st week of the trip and the lens is scratched. We find the BB but they don't have the camera we want. 2nd BB we've tried to find it at. Bummer.

Feeling gloomy, we brighten ourselves up with dinner across the street at Culvers. They have these "butterburgers" but they don't taste any different than regular ones to me. Karen has the Fish Sandwich.

Our 5th wheel follows us toward the East now as we try to get to Wisconsin Dells before sunset. I had a great time spending 2 hours in Wabasha but I'm hopeful I don't have to set up camp in the dark.

We get to our RV park, Fox Hill Campground, and get our site information paperwork off of the store door. Our site is easy enough to find and it's a pull through which really makes life easy. It is 30 minutes before sundown which gives us plenty of time to setup.

This place is REALLY nice. We went for a walk around the camp and we see that there are a dozen seasonal RVs setup but no one in them, one group of tenters who will probably be having a good time a little later this evening, and about 6 RVs like ours who are spending the night here.

There's a giant chess board, a checker board, disc golf course, swings, tricycles to rent, laundry room, clean bathrooms, and volleyball set up. THIS is a nice resort with things to do. The RV sites have gravel with nice green lawns between the uncrowded sites. I'm glad we're spending 4 days here.

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