Thursday, September 11, 2014

2014-09-04 A Grand Time at the Dam

We have some pretty GRAND things here in WA state - we build the best airplanes, started the largest software company in the world, and our football team was the best in the world last year. 

Grand Coulee Dam ranks up right there though, with the distinction of being the USA's largest electricity producing facility.

Brian picked us up around 9:30 am and we headed north for a tour of the area.

First stop along the way was the Lake Lenore Caves. These were not at all like the big named "caverns". They were more like what you get when you remove rocks from side of a mountain, but the hike was nice exercise during the drive.

(You can click on any picture to see ALL of the pictures full size)

Dry Falls was an active waterfall during the last Ice Age and they were 3 times as wide as Niagara Falls. The remnants are pretty spectacular even without the water falling over them.

After a nice lunch in Coulee City we tried to get in on a tour of the dam but it didn't line up with our schedule so we explored the Visitor's Center and then drove up the side of the mountain for a more spectacular look at the dam.

We headed home in time to see the Seahawk's game while having dinner in a bowling alley restaurant. Most of the clientele had on Seahawk clothing. At half time we went back to the trailer and watched the game on the TV via the laptop. Always give your guest the best seat in the house.

The next day we needed to be moving East again but not before a round of Frisbee golf and a bite to eat at Michael's Bistro. 

We said our goodbyes, Brian heading off to work and we heading to Idaho to visit one of our favorite families.

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