Thursday, October 9, 2014

2014-10-06 Willis Tower & Architecture Boat Tour

Nothing infuriates planners more than a website with incorrect information. We're retired! We have schedules to keep! I guess I really haven't gotten out of "vacation" mode yet and into "retirement" mode.

Willis Tower was supposed to open at 9am. Didn't. Opened at 10.

We had an hour to kill so we went on to item #2 on the agenda. Check out Union Station.

This place is huge inside.

Another beautiful architectural building.

Oh, and it's functional also. 14 trains enter the north side of the terminal and 10 enter the south. If you are going THROUGH Chicago you need to get off of your train and then onto another.

Time to get out of the underground and soar 103 floors above the street traffic. Going up. Or going down? Strange that we had to take an elevator to go DOWN in order to take the elevator going UP to the Skydeck.

It's a bit cloudy today but we can see everything we want to see .

Yes, that would be another ugly Frank Gehry structure in Millenium Park.

This is the top of the Rookery Building that we toured a few days ago. It is a square doughnut with a skylight at the top.

We'll be down on the water later today taking the boat tour on the Chicago River.

That's the local prison with the triangular exercise area on the top of the building.

That huge hunk of land is going to be another park.

The black building is the Hancock Building that we were in the other night.

Sitting on a piece of glass 103 floors high.

Chicago is FLAT. That's the Eisenhower Expressway (a misnomer) coming into town from the west.

Lou Mitchell's restaurant is famous. It's been on Route 66 forever. We had lunch here and it was delicious. The waitress had her mind elsewhere but the food and atmosphere were good. Toasted cheese and ham for me and a ham and cheese omelet for Karen.

We drove around for a while until we needed to find a place to park and get to our boat tour on the north side of the Loop on the river.

It was an educational ride and since it was about an hour after lunch I managed to see a few buildings even with my eyes closed.

The only thing they don't like about this building is the fact he chose to advertise.

Condos and car parking

Some cool building

It has been the norm lately in cities to change warehouse space into condos.

There were some pleasure boaters out today

Boeing Building

Willis Tower

A marina under condos

Nice waterway

This is a remarkable building because "somehow" they are the only high rise between Lake Michigan and Michigan Street.

One of only a few buildings that remain from the 1893 World Exposition in Chicago.

Once again we managed to get to the White Fence Chicken restaurant when it was closed. So we found another iconic Route 66 chicken restaurant and ate there instead.

1 comment:

  1. well, it's looking like you're sure enjoying yourselves. Great set of pictures that is for sure.
