Wednesday, October 15, 2014

2014-10-11 Shopping in Pontiac, IL

For a small town there really seems to be a lot to do here in Pontiac, IL. Most of the towns along Route 66 are doing a great job with signage.

Originally, Route 4 went through the towns in Illinois. This bridge and roadway have been rebuilt, but to really attract visitors they preserved the 4 ends of this 1926 bridge and stenciled the image on the ends of the posts.

These are the educational markers along the route. This one tells about the tunnel they build under Route 66 in order to safely get children to the school that used to sit on this site.

We shopped for a few hours and bought some clothing in town and then headed to the north end of town to have lunch at the Old Log Cabin. (I happen to be talking to Aunt Jeanne about a computer problem that we solved later that night)

We traveled the length of the Route to the south end of town where this old Police Headquarters was. It's unique in that is was designed in the shape of a derringer pistol.

The next town south was Lexington and they have preserved a section of the old road that they call Memory Lane that you can occasionally drive on. We drove one way and walked it as well.

Stick with me on this explanation. Originally there was Route 4. It was changed into Route 66. That Route 66 was used for 10-15 years depending on the city. Then Route 66 Bypass was built that went around the towns. Then another Route 66 Bypass was built next to the first one after it deteriated.

All 3 of these roads converge at the beginning of Memory Lane in Lexington. They turned the 1st road into Memory Lane.

The 2nd roadway they paved over part of it and use it as a walking/biking trail.

The 3rd roadway is what we drive on from town to town.

Pontiac also has a disc golf course. (Yes, it IS a perfect town). Karen and I went and played. The 18th hole gives you the option of throwing your Frisbee across the Vermilion River. I did.

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