Monday, October 13, 2014

2014-10-10 Pontiac, IL Route 66 Museum

Here is a map with the places we've camped so far on our trip. Click on the map to get a larger view.

Friday seemed to be "Museum Day" for us. After the Pontiac Museum we headed over to the Route 66 Association Hall of Fame & Museum less than two blocks away.

The Museum is preserving the memories of those who have traveled Route 66 and spent times in its hotels, restaurants, and cities.

The showcases highlighted famous landmarks starting in Chicago and working west.

Places we've already been on our trip were represented with icons and memorabilia; Chicago, Joliet, Wilmington, and Gardner.

We knew we'd be in the other cities represented in the other cases, but we didn't "know" them yet; McLean, Lincoln, Springfield, and Litchfield.

Bob Waldmire was an ardent support of the Mother Road and he traveled many miles promoting it in his VW Bus.

Bobby Troup (you may remember him as a doctor on the TV show, Emergency!) wrote the classic song "Route 66". He had a case also.

We spent an hour reading through everything before heading upstairs to some unusual exhibits.

A series of rooms was themed to the American Lifestyle in the 1940's.

In the same building was the Livingston County War Museum. There were about a hundred military uniforms on mannequins and each one had a real person's name on it, what unit he/she was in, and where he/she was deployed.

Outside contained a few more surprises. Bob Waldmire also had a larger bus.

There was also the world's largest Route 66 sign that provided one of the best photo ops in the world.

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