Sunday, October 19, 2014

2014-10-17 Lincoln Lived Here

Everyone's gotta live somewhere. After growing up in his log cabin, Abraham Lincoln and his family lived in Springfield from 1837 until 1861, when he went to live in Washington DC as the President.

After getting married to Mary Todd and having a son, Robert, they purchased this home in 1844 from the preacher who married them. This is a model of what it looked liked.

At the time it was only a 6 room house. 11 years would pass before they enlarged it to the current 12 room, 2-story structure.

This historic area has been restored and is now 2 blocks square with beautifully restored homes on most of the lots.

This is model of the park property. The Lincoln Home is the bottom right corner of the upper left quadrant. Houses with windows have been restored on the property. The Visitor's Center is in the bottom right corner of the lower left quadrant.

This is the parlor where Lincoln received the news that he had won the Republican presidential nomination in 1860.

The living room where Abe was allowed to horse around with the kids.

Lincoln's bed WAS big enough for his 6'4" body.

The back side of the house. Behind us is a 3-hole privy.

The streets are for pedestrians only. The Lincoln Home is down by where all the people are standing.

There was this interesting item on the wall in the Visitor's Center. It listed all the servicemen in Lincoln's 4 block area. There were 20 of them!

There are a gazillion books on Lincoln (And I don't use gazillion lightly).

Later in the day we saw this lanky guy who is standing tall just a 1/4 mile from our campsite. He is called the "Rail Splitter".

...and we had tacos this evening.

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