Thursday, October 9, 2014

2014-10-08 Goodbye Chicago, Hello Pontiac,IL

We had a great week in Chicago. Saw everything that we wanted to see and then some.

It's a Wednesday and we are heading south. It's only 60 miles to our next destination - Pontiac, IL - at a fairgrounds campground.

Along the way, since this IS a Route 66 trip, we headed for the Mother Road via Gardner. We'd already visited this town a few days ago but we needed to start back on the Road somewhere.

The Village of Dwight has a lot going for it and it plays up it's Route 66 roots to the hilt.

This vintage gas station has the last gas pumps used in Illinois on Route 66. The visitor's center wasn't opened but we could see inside the windows and the outside was really cool.

They didn't have any diesel when we pulled in to "fill'r up".

We parked our rig on the main street near the center of town and started walking around.

The post office had a mural.

There was an old 1857 church that had been restored almost 40 years ago.

And lo and behold Frank Lloyd Wright even designed the First National Bank of Dwight.

They've got letters to prove it.

Entrance doors

Really nice looking old wind mill.

The last cool display on old Route 66 in Dwight.

Down the road a few miles was Odell. They had this beautiful gas station and pump.

Karen said she would consider trading in her 5th wheel for this cutey but she wasn't quite sure our truck could handle the load.

Old equipment that used to be used on cars in the old days.

We chatted with the "attendant", Kathryn, for 20 minutes or so about life in the town. She was a city girl who married a farmer and they worked 460 acres for the longest time.

We talked about the difficulties of farming then and the changes. There weren't many family farms anymore. They sold the farm a few years ago and moved back to the city.

Down the road a ways I noticed that the old original Route 66 was paralleling our newer highway.

After our short drive we arrived at 4-H Park Campground and we were setup in a very short time.

Two doors away was a Haunted House in the making. Friday and Saturday should be interesting.

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