Monday, December 8, 2014

2014-11-27 Thanksgiving with the Rogers' Family

We arrived from the beach with the nieces yesterday after a nice sunny 3 days in Rockport and Port Aransas.

Today is Thanksgiving and a boiled-in-oil turkey is on tap for today. Never had one, but they say it's moist and delicious.

Karen and I have been cleaning and straightening the 5th wheel this morning after the 3-dayer with the girls. I happened into the house and Mark
says we aren't having turkey tonight because the frying burner is at his sister's.

Uh, Plan B? Yes! Jessica starts making some stuffing to put into the bird. Mark gets a pan for this thing. Everyone pitches in and bird is in the oven by 1pm. ETA on the table is 6pm.

Mark's sister, Michelle arrived in the afternoon with her husband, Lance, and their 3 children. It was fun getting to know them as the day went on. A little later a couple of nieces showed up with desserts in their hands. After taking the pies from their hands, they were welcomed appropriately.

Here's Jessica making the fruit salad.

The turkey and ham are almost done.

They're ready.

Yep, she's ready too!

The turkey WAS out by 6pm but we didn't finally start eating until closer to 7pm. Everyone was hungry by then, so they said everything tasted great.

While waiting for dessert there's nothing better than browsing the ads for Black Friday bargains.

After dinner goofing off.

And after dinner play time.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a great time in Round Rock. Deb and I spent 3 yrs in that town. I loved every minute of it.
