Sunday, December 7, 2014

2014-11-20 Final Day on Route 66 for Now

It's gotten very cold (18 degrees) while we've been on the Route in Oklahoma. It just seems about the right time to start heading south to warmer climates in Texas. We have family down there and we're sure there is room for two more for Thanksgiving dinner.

Today we're heading west from Oklahoma City to explore along the Route. Our first stop is Route 66 Park. Great logo!

While the park isn't ON the Route, it is close by and there are plenty of plaques and things here that are remembrances of the Road. Chicago?

It was definitely an odd park though.

This Cyrus Avery Tower was completely locked up.

Further west the city of Yukon was proud of it milling heritage.

El Reno was a city formed shortly after the land rush of 1889. It's the only city in OK that has a streetcar working on their downtown street.

BUT, they are even more famous for their Fried Onion Burgers. So famous, in fact, that there are THREE burger joints making these things. I know you're dying to know what makes these so special. Nothing. They throw the burger on the griddle and then mash a bunch of onions on top of the patty. Then they flip it over and cook the other side.

We visited Sid's Diner for lunch and decided that the burger was OK, but we'd had better.

They do make a big deal of this once a year during the annual world's Biggest Fried Onion Burger event in May, where they make an 850 lb one of these.

We parked out truck and started walking around town. There were all kinds of old buildings that had been renovated in this city.

The town was named after this civil war hero.

Some things are just strange.

And finally, they've got murals too! It was another cold day in OK but the sun was out and we had a great time getting out and walking around.

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