Thursday, January 15, 2015

2015-01-01 Jessica's Big Day at the Rose Parade

Our niece, Jessica, is in the Color Guard at Round Rock High School. The school was invited by the Rose Parade Committee to march in the 2015 Rose Parade. We wouldn't miss this for the world!

Of course, since cold weather had chased us from Missouri to Oklahoma to Texas it was to be expected that it would join us in Southern California as well. As we walked to our seats along Colorado Blvd at 6:30 am we had multiple layers of clothes and jackets on to hold out the 36 degree cold.

Once in our seats it was obvious, because of all the Dragon colors around us, that we were surrounded by Round Rock friends and families. But, we were still cold.

As the parade started we were thrilled to see the Northrop B2 Spirit (Stealth Bomber) fly directly overhead.

The Round Rock Dragon Band was the 11th attraction in the parade so we didn't have to wait long to scream and show our support for the band.

Jessica is just above the camera

Jessica is the blonde in the middle of the picture.

They got plenty of air time on the television stations with Al Roker singing Sweet Caroline along with the band. Jessica is in row 6 (4th row from the back) and second line from our side of the street.

Jessica on TV

Here's another video by the local Austin TV station.

Austin TV Coverage of Round Rock High School

The rest of the parade lasted 2 hours and it took us nearly that long to get out of the Pasadena area after the parade.

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